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I think Herbally Pure Liquid vitamins are the best.

I saw this web site ‘Viewpoints’ a couple of months ago when searching for information on vitamins and which ones seemed to be better.  I switched to liquid vitamin supplements because my stomach could not handle the pills anymore. After trying several of the liquid vitamin supplement brands out there I tried herbally pure that the website was talking about.

I thought the one I was taking was pretty good but tried herbally pure anyway and I really like it. It is better than the one I was taking. I switched to Herbally Pure. Thank you for the information, it really helped me. Since this is a review section, I give Herbally Pure a really good review

-Louis Jacabello


My wife’s sister recommended Herbally Pure. She sent us a bottle because we were happy with the vitamins we were taking. After trying herbally pure we found we really liked them and I actually think i feel better. The product actually tastes pretty good. Even my 11 year old son like them and he hates everything.

I think that anyone who has trouble taking their vitamins should try the product. It is actually a very good product.

-David Cohen – Napa CA

I would like to comment on Herbally Pure liquid vitamins.

I saw them on The View talk show and tried them. They taste very good for a liquid vitamin and I believe that I am feeling better. I have stomach ulcers and can not take pills well. Vitamins in pill form seem to really upset my stomach.

Liquid Herbally Pure vitamins is a very good product that I recommend to all my family neighbors and friends.

Thank You

-Eddie Turner – Hialiah FL